勤務地=在宅勤務 - オンライン 問合せ先=Zip code - 97440 PO Box 11664 Eugene, OR USA 電話番号=+1(541)833-0719 E-Mail= work@languageconvo.com 採用ご担当者名=Silvia Aguilar 募集職・人数=2 Full time, hourly pay - 非常勤2名 採用条件=①Ideal candidates will have experience teaching Japanese as a foreign language. However, we may consider applicants with other teaching experience so please submit a resume if you are interested. We do provide training. – 学校や教室での日本語教師の経験がある方 ②All classes will be held online, so you must have a stable internet connection, webcam and headset. テレビ電話を使える方 (以下のすべてが必要です) 1.パソコン 2.インターネット 3.ウェブカメラとマイク付きヘッドセット ③ Can regularly schedule classes, long-term employment – 定期的にスケジュールを組み、長期的に働ける方 ④ At this time, we are only accepting candidates who speak English fluently (in the future, we will be accepting non-English speaker) – 現時点では英語が堪能な方のみ募集 勤務条件=Flexible work schedule - 自由勤務 待遇=Hourly Pay – 時給 ~$11 Vacation pay, sick leave pay, maternity/paternity leave pay provided – 有給休暇・傷病手当金・出産手当金・育児休業給付、支給されます。 応募方法=Please send an email detailing why you are interested in teaching with us, along with a resume or CV. Please include “Japanese Teaching Position” in the subject field so that we can properly file your application – 志望動機書とともに履歴書をE-メールで送ってください。必ず件名に “Japanese Teaching Position” と記入してください。 応募締め切り=2016-05-05 選考方法=Paper application review, followed by interview - 書類選考後、面接により採用を決定いたします。 その他特記事項=We are a US based online language education company, dedicated to providing a great language learning experience, and great jobs for our tutors around the world. Our online platform will give you a chance to teach and interact with students from all over the world. Lessons are provided both in one-on-one settings as well as group classes. And you will be able to set your own schedule, work wherever and whenever you want. So come join our team, and help enrich the world one lesson at a time!
★2-11(在宅)LanguageConvo 2 Full time, hourly pay – 非常勤2名 2016-05-05締切